Top Anime Shows You Should Watch if You’re New to Anime

4 min readFeb 22, 2021
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Anime is one of those things that people have mixed feelings about. Some people obsess over it becoming “weeaboos’, while others despise anime. Anime can be described as the Japanese version of animated shows and movies usually based of Manga. Anime has very distinct elements when it comes to animation design, development of plots, and overarching themes. If you’re a person who is trying to get into anime and doesn’t know where to start, then you’re in the right place. One can easily become overwhelmed by the vast majority of anime that are out. This short list of recommendations will provide ease for choosing a new anime to watch.

This list is compiled of short and medium length anime. I did this because as a beginner it doesn’t make sense to watch 7 seasons of a show in a genre thats new to you. You can easily become bored so you need a show that will capture your attention in a short time. Therefore I’m not recommending shows like Naruto or Dragon Ball Z. In addition, I tried to stay away from putting shows that are subbed on this list. As a novice to anime, you should enjoy the comfort of hearing the show in english and not having to keep up with subtitles. For that reason the shows on this list are “dubbed” with the exception of Demon Slayer, but the subtitles for the show does not stop you from enjoying it. Please note that the list is not in any specific order.

List of Anime Shows

  1. FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood (Netflix)
  2. Death Note (Netflix)
  3. Samurai Champloo (Hulu)
  4. Black Butler (Hulu)
  5. Afro Samurai (Hulu)
  6. Cowboy Bebop (Hulu)
  7. Gurren Lagen (Netflix)
  8. Demon Slayer (Netflix and Hulu)

Explanation of the List

Samurai Champloo, Afro Samurai, and Demon Slayer are great examples of shows with classic samurai themes to it. Anytime you have these samurai anime you want to have fight scenes that keep you engaged. I think each of these shows have intense fight scenes and complex opponents the protagonists have to defeat. The fight scenes are somewhat gory, so if you’re someone who does not enjoy seeing blood don’t watch these shows. In addition, the main characters from each show are on a long quest which gives room for their character development and growth. This character development will keep you engaged while watching. Also, Samurai Champloo and Afro Samurai both have pretty decent soundtracks.

If you are into suspense or want a show to make you think, then you should watch Death Note and Black Butler. Both of these anime are centered around crime and crime solving. In addition, Both shows include supernatural forces that assist the protagonists throughout the anime. Interestingly enough, working with demons is the downfall of both the protagonists in the two shows. In both shows the protagonists know if they choose to continue interacting with the demon, it will result in their death or downfall.

To me, what makes these two shows interesting is that both main protagonists knew the consequences and still chose the path leading to their downfall. Their ultimate goals are more important than their own life. In addition, both protagonists have to think critically and come up with complex plans to ensure that they are ahead of everyone else. Through that process the protagonists come off as arrogant with strong god-complexes. In Death Note, the main character is the perfect example of what happens to a person who gains too much power but does not understand the responsibility of that.

If you’re a fan of old 90’s aesthetics then you should watch Cowboy Bebop. I don’t know what it is about the 90's, but people love that era. it’s an anime that a lot of people are familiar with because of the memes that are associated with the anime. The anime is about a team of bounty hunters that go on different assignments which often put the characters in tough situations. The show has a comedic undertone to it which makes the anime more enjoyable. Also, the main characters have a lot of depth which allows them to be likable and relatable.

Lastly, Gurren Lagann and FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood are two shows I recommend solely because of how well the characters develop. The main characters in both shows start off a certain way and completely change through the course of the anime. In addition, the overarching themes of the shows are very prevalent and teach valuable lessons. In both shows the main characters go through dramatic losses which fuel their passion to complete their overall mission.

Furthermore, the power struggle of the weak and poor between the powerful and rich are shown in such a distinct way in both shows. The seemingly poor and weak in both shows develop into strong characters who can overcome any obstacles because of what motivates them. Both of these shows end in full circle making it an easy watch for any beginner.

